Muhteşem Yüzyıl: Kösem | Genel Yorum ve Sohbet Konusu

welcome hayatım welcome
which series did you watch=?
Pleasure is mine. Those which are played in Pakistan like Muhtesam yuzil (Mera Sultan), intekaam, now a days Kara para ask ( kala paisa piyar), dirilis otesiz insanlar and manu others these are very few. the best of all was Ask i mamnu (ishq e mamnu) here in pakistan
kız @destere duydun mu en iyisi aşkı memnuydu diyor sen @Çiğdem- i bırak bunu al

ı hope you stay longer
by the way dont hesittate to use bad words about ÇİĞDEM AND DESTERE İN ENGLİSH OR URDU LAnaguage