Muhteşem Yüzyıl - Genel Yorum Konusu

The Voice @ShathaAlHarazi
The civil war in Sanaa is not enough reason for my mom to stop watching the Turkish series Hareem Al-Sultan in such night #Yemen #اليمن

savaş bile durduramıyor diziyi helal olsun :A @Harunnn60 @mrt-06 @Bully @Çiğdem- @cookies @yatutarsa

Iolanthe@SpiderFromMarx Jun 2
My friends are divided into two categories: Those who fangirl over GoT and those who fangirl over Hareem il Sultan

işte hep diyorum [HASHTAG]#hurrem[/HASHTAG] in rakibi khaleesi diye :F @Forumdash @destere
The Voice @ShathaAlHarazi
The civil war in Sanaa is not enough reason for my mom to stop watching the Turkish series Hareem Al-Sultan in such night #Yemen #اليمن

savaş bile durduramıyor diziyi helal olsun :A @Harunnn60 @mrt-06 @Bully @Çiğdem- @cookies @yatutarsa

Iolanthe@SpiderFromMarx Jun 2
My friends are divided into two categories: Those who fangirl over GoT and those who fangirl over Hareem il Sultan

işte hep diyorum [HASHTAG]#hurrem[/HASHTAG] in rakibi khaleesi diye :F @Forumdash @destere
Savaş sırasında dizi mi izlenirmiş anneyi az duyarlılığa davet ediyorum. ss

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